Imagine a teacher, or better yet a student, using a program, perhaps Kidspiration, Excel, or the Smart Notebook to demonstrate new math skills. A video screen capture of this demonstration can then be used to teach other students. Imagine. Kids teaching kids. What a radical concept! And this video presentation can be stored in a database or uploaded to a web site as an on-demand homework helper! So if you have parents who need a little help themselves before they can help their children, screencasting might provide some relief. Take a look at this sample tutorial I've put together on inserting an image into a Word document. This technology has been around a while, but these days I'm into Jing. It's easy to use, produces a quality video, and best of all -- it's FREE! Check out the video tour and download it today!
I have taking picture of my desktop many many times. And used them during lessons and presentations but I would be interested in learning more about this approach...BUT it is 12:00am
GOOD NIGHT and c u in the morn.
Paul is it safe to download JING to our laptops????
How do I become a FOLLOWER.....????
DOC23-not just a follower but sometimes a leader.....
SERIOUS-How could I use JING in LRC??? and I am meeting with S.LUFT to discuss video confer. between buildings...can this program play a part...I meet with her on Thur.
Wow, thanks for taking the time to hit me with your rapid fire posts Doc23! First, yes, it is safe to download JING to your laptops, provided you download it from the web site www.jingproject.com. Second, to become a follower, please place on my windshield a bottle of rum, a bag of rice, and a baseball autographed by Mookie Wilson. Or click the link in the right side margin that says Follow This Blog. As for how would you use JING-- in many respects you are already doing the things that work with struggling learners that will only be enhanced with JING. Let's talk.
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